Dance Yourself Free

Get Grooving

Remember that saying - "Dance as if no one is watching"....?

Well, this is exactly what you get to do for 90 minutes to great music that will leave you feeling alive and joyful! Get Grooving is a practice that is aimed at freeing yourself. The music is carefully selected to allow you to tap into the various aspects of yourself and your emotional world.  By allowing the music and the beat to move you, you can express this through movements on the dance floor.  Can you vary your expressions, can you embody your experience in the moment through your movements? Can you be open to yourself and to others as you move through the space?

We like to think that Get Grooving is a form of movement meditation and regular practice helps on many levels including mobility, mental health, emotional regulation, social connection and overall well-being.

No experience is required and there are no steps to learn.  You cannot do this wrong, but the invitation here is to dance however your body wants to, to the beat of the music.  Explore the dance floor and diversify your moves.  We DJ music from various styles and genres which is carefully selected to allow for a gradual build up in energy so that by the end of the session you will be feeling energised and uplifted. 

There is no upward age limit and all fitness levels are welcome. We ask that children under 16 are accompanied by a responsible adult. For those who are less mobile, it is possible to do this sitting in a chair.  Please come in loose and comfortable clothing that will allow you to move freely and make sure you bring a bottle of water with you.

As facilitators, we strive to create an open and inclusive environment where everyone is welcome as they are. We love dancing and we want to share the joy of dancing with others.  Come and join us!

Click here for up and coming session dates.