Lisa Moore and Nemo Shaw

Nemo Shaw & Lisa Moore - Founders of Rhythm Tree

We are a couple with a diverse background: Nemo grew up in Scotland and Lisa is half Japanese half Australian. Nemo trained as a professional coach and Lisa, as a psychotherapist. We share a love for music and dance and met at a 5Rhythms Festival in England.

Together we like to sing and make music, cook and spend time in nature. We value kindness, openness, clean living, looking after each other and those we engage with in our lives, and freedom. By freedom, we mean free to be ourselves in how we express our unique gifts and valuing the diversity that resides inherently in each of us and creating a space where we can all be included and seen and have our unique qualities honoured.

We share a common grounding in spirituality that supports our connection and our way of being with each other and in the world.